Reduce, Reuse, Recycle - Surf Finnen

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle - Surf Fins

- Reading time 2 minutes -
Written by Laura Nederkorn

Want to extend the life cycle of your surfboard fins? Read on to find out our top 3 tips to make them last, even after you’ve finished with them. 

Broken fins - not an uncommon problem, especially in wave pools and river waves. But even when surfing in the ocean, a number of things could happen that cause you to lose a fin, especially on reef breaks. 

Our Rebel team extensively test all materials to ensure that our surf fins last as long as possible. However, this alone isn’t always enough. So, here are a few tips and tricks to avoid common buying mistakes, plus information on how you can support us in our mission to make the surfing world a little bit more sustainable. 

1.    Reduce - Buy consciously and selectively

We believe that less is more, and only reduced consumption can help create a more environmentally friendly world. In addition, it’s a matter of urgency that we not only reduce but eliminate the plastic found in our waterways and oceans. To prevent plastic pollution, we need to consider the following: 

  • Not every material we use is suitable for every level of surfing. In our product descriptions you will find the ability level the material is recommended for. For example, our surfing fins made from recycled fishing nets and renewable raw materials are particularly suitable for beginners and intermediate surfers. Recycled carbon and polyamide/fibreglass fins, on the other hand, prove their worth in hard turns and powerful waves due to their high stability, and are therefore suitable for advanced and expert level riders. 
  • Rapid surfing or river wave riding? We offer our Rapid Fin sets with a small centre fin, which are ideal for shallow waters, and the material is crucial. To withstand the increased pressure of rapid surfing, recycled carbon as well as recycled glassfibre surf fins are suitable. They are stable yet with enough flex for tricks and manoeuvres in tight spaces. 

If you prefer to surf in the ocean, you can use our classic thrusters, twins or single fins.

2. Reuse - Exchange, instead of buying everything new

Since it’s rare for an entire fin set to break all at the same time, you can order the replacement fins you need individually! Just send us an email on or use our contact form with an exact product description and which fin you lost. We will send you the corresponding replacement fin. For a thruster set, the price of a single fin is 1/3 of the total price. For a twin set ½.

3. Recycle - Recycle, instead of throwing away

It’s not always possible to save broken fins from the depths of the water. However, if you manage to grab it, or find one on the beach, send them our way! We collect fins that are no longer surf-able, sort them, and process them into new fins. So, before you dispose of your supposedly ‘unusable’ fins, you can send them to the following address:

c/o Ingo Uhl GmbH
Quickbornerstr. 27
25494 Borstel-Hohenraden

Not in the mood for shipping? You can find our Rebel broken fin collection boxes at various standing waves, promoting a closed economic cycle. They are placed at these locations:

- Hasewelle, Osnabrück
- Wellenwerk, Berlin
- blackforestwave Surfwelle, Pforzheim
- The Riverwave, Ebensee
- Surf Langenfeld, Langenfeld
- Mühleschleuse wave, Thun
- Jochen Schweizer Citywave, Munich
- Nuremberg perm, Nuremberg
- Rapid Surf Langenfeld Surf Wave

Whilst it’s easy to retrieve broken or lost fins from wave pools, its much more difficult in river waves. The solution? River clean-ups. We took part in one at the blackforestwave. Does your river wave need a spring clean? It’s always worth asking! Some places even recruit special divers to gather and dispose of rubbish and waste.

What is easy with wave pools is much more difficult with river waves: the retrieval of broken surf fins. The solution is offered by river clean ups, like last April at the blackforestwave or special divers. Maybe your wave also offers a clean up? It's worth asking!

Rapid Surfen Langenfeld Surfwelle